Xur Location Today
- Come back on Friday at 09:00 AM PT
Inventory this week:
- Wait until reset.
Bookmark this site and check back on Friday to see where the vendor is and what he is selling in Destiny 2.
XÛR, Agent Of The Nine
Xur is a vendor who arrives on Fridays and stays until Tuesdays to deliver exotics and legendary armor to Guardians in Destiny 2. His locations are spread across the solar system. Each Friday on Reset, you will find him in the following areas; Nessus, EDZ, or the Tower. I expect these locations to change during the Lightfall DLC (Seasons 20-24); I will put up a guide explaining everything whenever that happens.
Each week you will find one weapon and three exotics in his inventory. Since exotic weapons no longer drop from Engrams, Xur is the only source of exotic weapons for new players. Players usually do not care about his arrival, but this changed recently. Apart from the exotics, he also brings legendary weapons and armor. The armor that he brings typically has higher stat values that help get the right build going for guardians.
The vendor is your best bet if you are a new player and haven’t collected all the exotics yet. Every week, you can purchase an exotic engram (for 97 Legendary Shards) and obtain an exotic you don’t have. Each armor piece has a random roll, so there’s an RNG factor too; for example, Hunters need mobility, and Titans need high Resilience.
Beyond the armor and exotics, he always has a Hawkmoon Hand Cannon and Deadman’s Tale Exotic Scout. Make sure to look out for the god rolls for both of these.

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